Wellness Questions and Answers

  • Does Acupuncture Hurt?

    Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel no pain when they are inserted. There will be some sensations that most describe as pressure or electricity. Patients usually feel energized or relaxed after the treatment. There is no similarity in the sensations caused by acupuncture needles vs. hypodermic needles you get shots and injections with.  

  • Is Acupuncture Safe?

    YES! Needles are sterile and single-use, smaller than a strand of hair. The average Doctor of Acupuncture has over four years of graduate-level training, compared to a "dry needling" technician who only gets about 50 hours of training to be certified. The only side effects we regularly observe here are occasional bruising and soreness after treatment.

  • How Long Will My Appointments Last?

    Initial treatments last 90 minutes on average, and follow-up appointments last 50-60 minutes. 

  • How Many Treatments Will I Need?

    This depends on the condition and the individual. Each person is unique and responds differently to treatment. On average, patients need 2-3 months of weekly visits for the pain to stop returning. At that point, treatments become less frequent and then become maintenance only. Maintenance is considered once every 4-12 weeks, depending on patient preference. 

  • Can I Only Get Acupuncture if Something Is Wrong With Me?

    Preventative medicine is one of the strongest aspects of acupuncture and oriental medicine. It is fantastic for helping to maintain high immune function, and many patients come monthly for prevention and stress relief.

  • Is Acupuncture Only for Pain?

    No! Acupuncture is great for mental health, digestion, fertility, mobility, and performance as well. 

  • How Does It Work From a Scientific Perspective?

    Acupuncture achieves the desired results by stimulating specific points that have the ability to alter biochemical and physiological conditions in the body. Because acupuncture points are designated areas of electrical sensitivity, inserting needles at these points stimulates sensory receptors. This, in turn, stimulates nerves that transmit impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary system in the brain. The hypothalamus-pituitary glands are responsible for releasing neuropeptides and endorphins, the body's natural pain-killing hormones (thought to be some 200 times more potent than morphine). The substances released from acupuncture relax the body and regulate serotonin in the brain, which affects emotional states. Other physiological effects include increased circulation, decreased inflammation, relief of muscle spasms, and increased T-cell count, which supports the immune system.

  • Can Children Receive Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is generally considered to be safe for children as long as you are using a licensed practitioner who follows recommended standards of practice. 

  • Where Do the Needles Go?

    Needles are placed at specific acupuncture points on the body. Depending on the specific condition, the needles are commonly placed at or below the elbows and at or below the knees. Other common areas are the back, abdomen, and ears.

  • Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?

    Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions. Because some acupuncture points are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is important to inform the practitioner if you are pregnant.  We highly recommend acupuncture during your first trimester to help assist embryo development, prevent miscarriage, and address any other symptoms that may arise.

  • What Are the Advantages of Acupuncture?

    One benefit of acupuncture is that it is a drug-free way to optimize health. With drugs, people often develop a tolerance or the need for an increased dosage to achieve the same required effect. However, this does not happen with acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture allows the doctor to immediately examine a person's response to the treatment and adjust it if necessary.

  • New Patient No Show Policy

    New patients who schedule their initial appointments and do not show WILL forfeit the $150 fee unless a 24-hour cancellation notice is given.

    * Payment for New Patient appointments must be made 48 hours prior to the appointment, or the appointment will be canceled.

  • Does Acupuncture Hurt?

    Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel no pain when they are inserted. There will be some sensations that most describe as pressure or electricity. Patients usually feel energized or relaxed after the treatment. There is no similarity in the sensations caused by acupuncture needles vs. hypodermic needles you get shots and injections with.  

  • Is Acupuncture Safe?

    YES! Needles are sterile and single-use, smaller than a strand of hair. The average Doctor of Acupuncture has over four years of graduate-level training, compared to a "dry needling" technician who only gets about 50 hours of training to be certified. The only side effects we regularly observe here are occasional bruising and soreness after treatment.

  • How Long Will My Appointments Last?

    Initial treatments last 90 minutes on average, and follow-up appointments last 50-60 minutes. 

  • How Many Treatments Will I Need?

    This depends on the condition and the individual. Each person is unique and responds differently to treatment. On average, patients need 2-3 months of weekly visits for the pain to stop returning. At that point, treatments become less frequent and then become maintenance only. Maintenance is considered once every 4-12 weeks, depending on patient preference. 

  • Can I Only Get Acupuncture if Something Is Wrong With Me?

    Preventative medicine is one of the strongest aspects of acupuncture and oriental medicine. It is fantastic for helping to maintain high immune function, and many patients come monthly for prevention and stress relief.

  • Is Acupuncture Only for Pain?

    No! Acupuncture is great for mental health, digestion, fertility, mobility, and performance as well. 

  • How Does It Work From a Scientific Perspective?

    Acupuncture achieves the desired results by stimulating specific points that have the ability to alter biochemical and physiological conditions in the body. Because acupuncture points are designated areas of electrical sensitivity, inserting needles at these points stimulates sensory receptors. This, in turn, stimulates nerves that transmit impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary system in the brain. The hypothalamus-pituitary glands are responsible for releasing neuropeptides and endorphins, the body's natural pain-killing hormones (thought to be some 200 times more potent than morphine). The substances released from acupuncture relax the body and regulate serotonin in the brain, which affects emotional states. Other physiological effects include increased circulation, decreased inflammation, relief of muscle spasms, and increased T-cell count, which supports the immune system.

  • Can Children Receive Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is generally considered to be safe for children as long as you are using a licensed practitioner who follows recommended standards of practice. 

  • Where Do the Needles Go?

    Needles are placed at specific acupuncture points on the body. Depending on the specific condition, the needles are commonly placed at or below the elbows and at or below the knees. Other common areas are the back, abdomen, and ears.

  • Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?

    Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions. Because some acupuncture points are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is important to inform the practitioner if you are pregnant.  We highly recommend acupuncture during your first trimester to help assist embryo development, prevent miscarriage, and address any other symptoms that may arise.

  • What Are the Advantages of Acupuncture?

    One benefit of acupuncture is that it is a drug-free way to optimize health. With drugs, people often develop a tolerance or the need for an increased dosage to achieve the same required effect. However, this does not happen with acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture allows the doctor to immediately examine a person's response to the treatment and adjust it if necessary.

  • New Patient No Show Policy

    New patients who schedule their initial appointments and do not show WILL forfeit the $150 fee unless a 24-hour cancellation notice is given.

    * Payment for New Patient appointments must be made 48 hours prior to the appointment, or the appointment will be canceled.

Call 337-418-9458 today with any additional questions!

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